Titanium Diboride Powders

Titanium Diboride Powders​

Titanium diboride powders combine superior hardness with corrosion resistance, exceptional high-temperature stability and superior oxidation resistance up to 1000°C. Momentive Technologies’ unique process technology enables high-purity TiB2 powders, with exceptional batch-to-batch consistency necessary for demanding applications.

Momentive Technologies’ TiB2 portfolio includes two standard grades: HCT-30, a general purpose, high purity grade suitable for a broad range of applications, and HCT-F, a unique grade that combines high purity and fine particle size with very low levels of trace metal impurities. Momentive Technologies can also customize formulations with sintering additives for specific applications.

  • Automotive
  • high-performance brakes
  • Excellent resistance to chemical attack from molten metals significantly extends metal processing component lifespans
  • Oxidation resistance stabilizes friction levels of high-performance brakes up to 1000°C
  • High hardness improves abrasion resistance
  • Excellent electrical conductivity at room temperature and high temperatures to enable high temperature heaters & metallization sources

Have questions or need more information about Titanium Diboride Powders?


No. 6, 10th Floor, No. 65, Gaotie 7th Road, Zhubei City, Hsinchu, Taiwan


No. 1088 Yuanshen road, Suite 1101 Ping’an Fortune Building, Shanghai 200122, China

+86 21 5848 1388


Momentive Technologies Korea Ltd.

7F of WONIK Building, 20, Pangyo-ro 255beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do,
Republic of Korea

+82 31 8038 9069


Momentive Technologies Japan KK

Park West 10th floor, 6-12-1, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 1600023,

+81 3 6721 1910